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  西方人几乎餐餐不离土豆泥,尤其对于欧美国家的人来说,土豆泥永远是餐桌上一道百搭的配菜,也是一道亮丽的风景。在西餐不同的蔬菜、肉类、浓汤的搭配下,康莱纳土豆泥将热情、浪漫的欧美风情演绎的淋漓尽致?br />    Normally, westerners cannot have food without mashed potatoes in every meal, especially for Europe and American People, mashed potatoes has always been a wonderful dish and also a beautiful landscape. With the different vegetables, meat and mixed soup, Conrad Mashed Potatoes incredibly interpret the warm and romantic european style.


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