尽管康莱纳土豆泥拥有纯正的欧洲血统,但是公司针对中国人的体质和饮食习惯,广泛深入地进行市场调研,经过上百次试验,开发出了全新的土豆泥产品,更适合中国人的口味。当这样的土豆泥遭遇到博大精深的中华饮食文化,碰撞出众多既养眼又能大饱口福的"土豆泥中华料?quot;?br />
The company has conducted the extensive market research in terms of the Chinese people's physical and eating habits, inspite of the fact that the Conrad mashed potatoes is with pure Eeropean descent . By hundreds of testing, it has developed some brand new mashed potatoes products which are more suitable for Chinese tastes, when these mashed potatoes encountered the profound Chinese food culture," the Chinese Mashed potatoes" has been created which is seductive as well as delicious. |